In a blog post called ‘Why Can’t My Son Be a Princess at Disneyland?’ Mum blogger Hayley McLean-Glass (also known as Sparkles & Stetchmarks) explains how Disneyland Paris refused to let her three-year-old son take part in their ‘Princess for the Day’ experience package, because he’s a boy.
Hayley writes on her blog: ‘Noah is about the biggest Elsa fan in the world. He wears his beloved Elsa dress all day every day…he even refuses to take it off at bedtime. He knows every single world of Let It Go and all of the other Frozen songs. If there’s such a thing as a Frozen super fan, Noah is it!’

Accompanying the post with beautiful pictures of her adorable son dressed as Elsa, Hayley expresses her disappointment when she was unable to book the ‘Princess for a Day’ experience for Noah. The £50 experience allows tots to dress up as their favourite princess, including a makeover and hair styling. Yet in an email, Disneyland tells Hayley: ‘At this time it is not possible to book Princess for a Day for a boy.’
In an interview with ITV news, Hayley expressed her disappointment: ‘I was just so shocked. I’m his mother and if I’m OK with him doing it, who are Disney to tell me that he can’t do that?’
Following the incident, Disneyland has issued a statement of apology to Hayley and Noah, and have expressed how welcome Noah would be to become a Princess for the day. The statement read: ‘Of course, both boys and girls are welcome to enjoy The Princess for a Day experience in addition to all our other special activities.’
What do you think of Disneyland’s reaction? Let us know in the comments below.
Read next: The best baby and toddler classes to try with your little one
12 baby and toddler classes to try with your little one

1) Dance classes with
Perfect for burning off some of your toddler’s endless energy, diddi dance classes use ribbons and hoops as props. Dance classes have a theme, which changes every 5-7 weeks, and includes salsa and 1920s Charleston – think jazz hands.

2) Dance classes with
Tappy Toes run award winning, active dance and movement classes for children aged 6 months to 5 years. Our baby, toddler and Pre-School classes are specifically designed to instil a life-long love of dance and movement into your little dancer. Come and release some of those endorphins with us! Get your little one moving in a Tappy Toes dance class.

3) Baby yoga classes with
If you love your downward dog or salute to the sun, you can take your baby along to YogaBellies classes, which includes baby massage, focused yoga postures for the mums, and poses for both you and your baby so you can bond with each other. They’re suitable for babies and toddlers and classes last one hour, which you book in blocks of six classes.

4) Music classes with
Ok, so your singing voice may be a bit rusty (more reject than Rihanna wannabe), but that doesn’t matter in a Jo Jingles class. It offers music, singing and dance classes for babies and pre-school children from three months to four years. Expect plenty of tambourines and maracas (anything to drown out our singing…)

5) Baby massage classes with
A good class for newborns and very young babies, MamaBabyBliss massage can help sooth colic and wind, and encourage your baby to sleep, as well as building his digestive, circulatory and immune systems.

6) Swimming classes with
Great for getting your baby used to the water from a young age, Waterbabies baby swimming classes also boost confidence and improve strength in your baby’s arms and legs. The sooner you start, the more used to the water your tot will be.

7) Language classes with
You’ll be surprised at how quickly your little one can pick up a foreign language (if you’ve ever watched your toddler parroting away to Dora the Explorer you’ll understand). Lingotot classes teach a range of languages including French, Spanish and even Chinese.

8) Ballet classes with
babyballet is a fun, award-winning pre-school dance class for girls and boys from 6 months to 6 years.
With a real focus on learning through play, babyballet, which runs across the UK, allows babies, toddlers and young children to enjoy the physical and social benefits of ballet, song and dance in a safe, caring, positive and informal environment.
Little ones will build their confidence and social skills, while developing basic ballet technique, coordination, musicality, balance, posture and rhythm. babyballet’s fully qualified teachers are joined in class by the babyballet bears, Twinkle & Teddy, who help to encourage all the little stars to interact and share as they learn to dance without any pressure.
There is also a line of merchandise and parties available.

9) First aid classes with
If you’ve already gone into new mum anxious mode, checking smoke alarms and practising infant choking positions, sign up for a first aid class run by the National Childbirth Trust and the British Red Cross.
The course covers health issues such as loss of consciousness, CPR, choking, bleeding, burns, high temperatures and meningitis.

10) Gym classes with
While we’re not expecting your pre-schooler to be doing back flips and triple flip twists quite yet, a Tumbletots class will encourage him to climb, jump, and roll while learning how to control movements more precisely.
It uses soft play equipment for children to clamber over and under and it’s a great way to make friends.

11) Cooking classes with
Encourage your toddler to help prepare food and he’s more likely to have a healthy relatonship with food.
During each Kiddycook session the children have fun creating recipes, which encourages them to learn about good food and explore new flavours in a fun way.
Its Cookie Tots classes are perfect for 2-4 year olds and after creating a dish, children then join in with music, games and activities based around preparing and enjoying food.

12) Football classes with
If you can see your little one as the next Beckham or Rooney, sign up for a Little Kickers football class.
They run a Little Kicks class for children aged 18 months to three years, and then you graduate to the next level – Junior Kickers which goes from 2 years to 3½ years.
Classes will help your little one gain better body control and co-ordination skills.

13) Singing classes with
As well as being a fun way to connect with your baby or toddler, Sing and Sign classes can help your little one communicate with you before she starts speaking.
She’ll learn words such as “milk”, “hot”, “thank you” and “more” but there’s also plenty of singing and games.

14) Dance classes with
Disco Duck are nationwide award-winning dance classes for pre-school boys and girls. Designed by an ex professional dancer, dance teacher and choreographer, the classes have been developed to increase little one’s confidence, self-esteem, social skills, balance and concentration. The classes operate in a fun and safe environment and are attended every week by Disco Duck himself! There is also Disco Duck merchandise including a CD and stories, and parties which are really popular with parents and children.

15) Arts and crafts classes with
If you’ve experienced the *joy* of peeling dried Play-Doh off the kitchen floor, you’ll appreciate the Creation Station.
It offers arts and crafts classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers without the mess for you.