This new parenting podcast is putting the spotlight on Dads

by Stephanie Spencer |
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First time father Dave Berry has gathered the best 'Dad-vice' going around.

After welcoming his daughter Evangeline and becoming a father for the first time in 2018, Absolute Radio's Dave Berry started garnering 'Dad-vice' from celebrity guests on his breakfast show.

While Michael Caine advised him to invest in a pair of earplugs and Benedict Cumberbatch suggested the only way to get some much needed shut-eye was to "sleep when they sleep", Dave has now launched a new podcast aptly titled Dave Berry's Dadpod that will see him recount his first year of fatherhood as he's joined by an array of familiar faces to speak about their own parenting experiences.

"Having become a father for the first time to a wonderful little human named Evangeline, I wanted to create a place for all people to come and celebrate the absolute joy of fatherhood - in all its wonderful, exciting, and sometimes scary forms," Dave said of the show.

In the first episode, his guest is one of the internet's most beloved fathers, Simon Hooper (who you might know best as @father_of_daughters). With over one million Instagram followers, the father of four discusses everything from juggling parenting with a day job to whether his girls think his social media fame makes him cool.

Joining Dave for the rest of season one of the new show include comedian Rob Beckett, presenter Emma Willis, actor John Thomson and BGT finalist Kojo Anim. You can subscribe here.

By Amy Cooper

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