How To Set Up A Successful Mummy Blog

by Sarah Gibbons |
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Do you want to share your pregnancy and motherhood experiences with the world? Setting up a parenting blog is not only a great way to share your stories and interact with like-minded people from all over the world, but it could even turn into a career. What’s not to like?

There’s no need to be put off if you’re not the most digital-savvy person out there. A web platform like or does all the hard technical work for you and once you’ve chosen your theme and set up your pages, you’re good to go!

1.    Find your niche
Before you embark on setting up a blog, ask yourself what do I want to write about? Do your research and look at all the mummy blogs out there and try and find your niche. Is your blog about your pregnancy journey, product reviews, family travel, homemaking or more of a personal diary that you want to share online? Once you’ve identified this, it makes picking a theme and name for your blog much easier. Plus, it will help you find your audience and stand out from the crowd.

2.    Pick a catchy name and strapline
Once you’ve designed your blog and theme, pick a catchy name that’s going to draw in the reader, as well as a strapline that explains what your blog is all about in one sharp sentence. If you’re unsure, run your idea past a few mum friends who fit in your target audience for feedback. You can add a more detailed description in an ‘about’ page so the reader can get to know you better.


3.    Write well…and regularly
Decided what you want to write about? Great. Now – get posting! The best way to build up an audience quickly is to publish blogs at least once a week to keep your blog fresh and up to date. As well as making sure your posts are original, readable and engaging, keep them succinct and snappy and add in plenty of images.

4.    Promote your blog
Once you’ve written your post, the next step is to share it! After all, you want more readers than just your mum. Setting up social media accounts on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram is a great way to expand your readership as well as a way to start up conversations with like-minded mums online. As well as driving traffic to your site, you may even make friends for life.

5.    Branch into vlogging
Fancy yourself as a bit of a presenter (or comedian)? You could make your big break on YouTube if you’re more comfortable talking about mummyhood than writing about it. It’s a great way to garner a devoted audience, especially if you find a way to capture a viewer’s interest with your sense of humour, likeability or expertise in an already crowded blogging arena.

6.    Making it your career
Turning a blog into a career does not happen overnight and very much depends if you’ve got a devoted following who visit and interact with you and your blog in droves. However, if you’ve got to this stage you can start selling advertisements on your site or become a brand ambassador for your favourite products. Some bloggers/vloggers have even become so successful that they’ve turned themselves into a brand and have even produced their own ranges of beauty products or written books about their lives and experiences. Jealous? Us?

Do you have a mummy blog? Let us know below!

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