Back To Work? Your Support Network Starts Right Here

Back To Work? Your Support Network Starts Right Here

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

More of you than ever are returning to work and juggling a seemingly superhuman schedule. And, while you are managing it all yourselves, it turns out you want some help. Lucky we’ve come up with a solution, then

When even super-successful multi-tasking mama Victoria Beckham admits to feeling guilt about being a working mum, something’s up. ‘You feel guilty every time you go out the door when you have to work,’ Vic recently confessed. And more than 60% of you who took part in our survey on working mums agree.

There’s the fear that you won’t be there to witness those important developmental milestones. But, while no one likes finding out that those first wobbly steps were taken while you were in a meeting, many of us choose to work – more than 65% at last count. Yep, even with the guilt, awkward childcare and endless problem of trying to get out the house in the morning, you still do it. Why? Because you love it.

Money matters

For many of you (88%), the decision to go back to work was mainly motivated by finances, but other factors featured, from simply enjoying what you do to wanting to secure long-term career prospects. But, while work is important, your role as a mother is never forgotten. Very few of you opted to go back for fear of being bored – less than five per cent said you didn’t think you would enjoy being a stay-at-home mum.

Even with the guilt and endless problem of trying to get out the house in the morning, you still love work

Love your work life

Considering the can-do attitude most mums approach life with, it’s no surprise you are an asset to the workplace. And the good news is 72% of you report feeling supported at work. Plus, 84% of you have been proactive when it comes to finding your ‘happy’ balance, asking for – and being given – flexible hours or a part-time role.

As for the 28% of you who don’t feel supported in the office, complaints include organisations not having empathy for people with families, being made to feel bad for leaving on time to collect your child and consistently working overtime – 57% of you don’t feel your workload reflects your reduced hours and days.

The fair share

Then there’s the second shift that many of you do when you get home – that’s the washing, clearing up and general domestic stuff that builds up while you’re out. It’s no real surprise that 60% of you feel you do more around the house than your other half, with 11% of you saying your partner’s upbringing is behind his lack of interest in housework.

But, despite having to juggle the conflicting demands of work, life, family, relationships and domestic chores better than a Cirque du Soleil performer, more than 70% of you said a resounding ‘No!’ to the new government proposal allowing you to share maternity leave with your partner.

Although nearly all said that your man would love to stay home, it ultimately comes down to money, with 55% admitting it makes more financial sense for him to be at work.

And finally…

The one thing almost all of you agree on (94%) is that working sets a positive example of modern female role models for your children. So, just as in all other areas of your lives, you’re doing as much as you can to take control of your career – and aiming for a good work/life balance – but you need more support, whether that’s emotional or practical.

And that’s something Mother&Baby Working Mums Club can help with. In conjunction with a host of successful working mothers who have been through it all, we will be on hand to advise on any of the issues you’re struggling with. You'll find more on what we can do to help here in Work&Money.

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