Vogue Williams: “My favourite thing about being a mum is watching them grow up every day”

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Not only is she an accomplished presenter, DJ, model and podcaster, the gorgeous Vogue Williams is also a busy mum of two (soon to be three!) with a wardrobe to die for which is why we were so excited to hear she was bringing out her own line of kids occasion wear.

Despite the line being delayed due to the pandemic, her ROCO collection is now available to shop and it’s the perfect place to find an adorable outfit for your little ones for the next wedding you’re invited to.

“I’ve always been obsessed with baby clothes and I'd actually bought stuff from ROCO before working with them. They’re such a gorgeous company. I love that they’re a family brand and they make the sweetest little clothes for kids. I’m really happy that we’re getting back to a stage where people will be looking at occasion wear again.”

The clothing line features a huge range of different styles and choices for kids aged 3 months right up to 14 years, with plenty of cooler options for those heatwave weddings!

“I would say the clothes are really comfortable as well for kids as they’re going to be running all over the place. It’s soft and it’s durable and it’s easy to wash and kids will enjoy wearing it.”

“My favourite piece is probably the little Gigi piece and not just because it’s called the Gigi! They called it the Gigi cos I wanted one of them to be called Gigi and it’s a really easy piece to wear. It can be worn as occasion wear or you can have it as daywear and I put Gigi in it the other day - she did look very glam! You can pop on a pair of tights and a cardigan as the weather gets cooler so there’s loads of different ways to wear it.”

As a mum of two to the adorable Theodore and Gigi, it’s fair to say Vogue loves life as a mum, even the noise and mayhem that comes with having two toddlers.

“My favourite thing about being a mum is watching them grow up every day and hearing the stuff they come out with.”

“I will admit it’s madness most of the time and whenever my friends come over they must just think this is like crazy land but that’s just what our house is like - just fun and noise and if Theodore’s at nursery and Gigi is asleep and there’s complete silence it’s just weird. The noise and the fun that’s always around us is probably the best part.”

Instagram, breastfeeding and unwanted opinions

Despite their thousands of followers and fame, Vogue and her husband Spencer Matthews find that they’re just as normal as the next family.

“We live really normal and ordinary lives so I assume it’s what everyone else is like. I assume there’s more advice being offered from people I haven’t asked it from but besides that it’s pretty much the same.”

“I have a really nice group of people who follow me on Instagram and usually if I see something bad I might respond to it and ask ‘why are you being like that?’ Sometimes people need a reminder that it’s not okay to say something like that but for the most part I've been really grateful of Instagram as there are so many mums and actually it’s a nice group.”

Vogue is clearly one strong mama and we’ve loved following her motherhood journey over on her Instagram account. From parenting tips to her must-have products for babies, she’s always been very vocal about supporting the personal choices and decisions us mums make, and we couldn’t agree with her more.

A topic that Vogue is particularly passionate about is a mother’s right to choose whether to breastfeedor not and we wanted to find out just what she thought about it.

“I breastfed Theodore until he was 6 months and I breastfed Gigi until she was 9 months and at the start I gave them both formula before my milk had fully come in and it’s a decision that worked really well for us and it got us on our feeding journey.

“But if somebody chooses not to breastfeed their child that’s up to them, so although I breastfed both of my children, I always remind myself that it’s not for everybody, and even when I was giving up feeding Theodore, people were like ‘don’t give up yet,’ and I was like ‘no, I want to give up’. My journey was over with breastfeeding, he was 6 months and that was my choice and I think people are quite funny.

“It’s not for everyone, and it doesn’t work for everyone, and I don’t think you should put so much pressure on a new mother because it’s really demanding. I loved breastfeeding and it worked really well for me and it clicked and that’s why we kept doing it, but it doesn't always work out like that for other people, so I always think people should be mindful of that. It’s not your child, it’s somebody else's child and they know what’s best for their own baby.”

Advice on mum guilt and anxiety

Like all mums, the worrying about our kids never seems to end (and never will even when they’re 18!) and Vogue admits worrying is just a natural part of being a parent.

“I worry a lot more about the kids. I worry about things that haven’t even happened yet. I think that comes part and parcel of being a parent.”

But one thing that can get Vogue down from time to time is the mum guilt.

“My top tip to overcome mum guilt is that no one is ever going to overcome mum guilt. It’s so ridiculous but I do it to myself every time. I spend so much time with my children and I’m really lucky that I get to be able to do that but even if I have a night out and I'm feeling tired and hungover the next day the guilt!

“I just think ‘I shouldn’t feel like this in front of my kids’ and it’s just silly. I think that mum guilt will be a constant thing. I was even talking to my mum about it and she was saying that I used to make her feel so guilty when I was younger cos I’d go out with my friends all day and then I’d come back and she’d say she was going out and I’d kick up and absolute stinker and make her feel really guilty and now I can’t believe I would do that! And she just said, ‘no I just went out because I knew I needed to go out’ and I thought actually, that’s a good way of looking at it. Do something nice for yourselves!”

To overcome these feelings, Vogue believes self-care is super important for our mental health.

“I’m not a very relaxed person so i’ll never just go home and chill and watch a movie, I always think what else can I do? So I think my me-time is going to the gym or having a facial.”

Not only are we endlessly envious of Vogue’s wardrobe but her commitment to working out is something we wish we could stick to - her motivation? Coffee!

“Have a coffee which I don’t even like! But when I have a coffee I feel ready to go. I train four times per week and it’s like putting a meeting in the diary for me. On a Sunday I’ll set which days I'm going to train this week. I go, I get it done, and it’s just part of my day. I never regret a training session so I’ll always get it done.”

Keeping the spark alive and her advice to her younger, pregnant self

Vogue and husband Spencer seem like the perfect match, but we all know that having two young children to juggle can take its toll on a relationship, so what advice does she have for keeping that spark alive?

“This morning, Spen was trying to talk to me about something and I was in between Gigi and Theodore and also trying to get myself out the door and I just completely brushed him off, so I text him after I left and said let’s sit down together at 7 o’clock when they’ve gone to bed and have a nice dinner together and just relax and chat and that’s the way we’ll get some time alone together.

“We try to get out for dinner or lunch once a week to try and do nice things like that, but we do get to spend a lot of time together, so it’s just about finding that quality time where you’re not rushing out the door trying to talk to each other.”

We’ve all got things we wish we’d knew before having our first baby, and for Vogue, it was to give her arms a break and put Theodore down!

“Don’t rock Theodore until you feel like your arms are going to fall off. I think it must be because we had Theodore as well but with Gigi, we always just put her down and she is a dream to go to sleep.

“We put her down and within 5 minutes she’s asleep and I think we probably pandered a bit too much to Theodore with any noise he’d make. I remember crying once when I was rocking him because my arms were so sore - it’s the worst! So that’s what I'd say to my pregnant self - don’t rock Theodore to sleep - you’ll have great arms but you’ll be wrecked.”

Vogue’s latest podcast

“I’ve got a podcast with Boots which is all about Taboo topics. We had one on pregnancy which was very interesting and there’s a lot of things that come up which no one ever talks about and it was nice to talk to different people about different things.

“We have anxiety, periods, pregnancy, sex, gut health, self-care - anything tabboo we’re talking about.”

Baby number three!

Vogue and Spencer have recently announced they will be adding to their family with a new baby next Spring. Posting the news on Instagram, the presenter wrote: "Baby number three on the way!!! This has been a lot harder to hide third time around, I feel like I’ve had a bump since the first month ☺️"

Speaking to HELLO!, Vogure said: "It'll be the more the merrier. Theodore and Gigi absolutely love each other – they're always playing together. My sister Amber is my best friend and I want the three of them to be best mates."

"Gigi doesn't have a clue she's getting a little brother or sister and I don't think Theodore minds. He doesn't really understand yet. If I ever mention the baby, he asks: 'Is it coming now?'"

Talking about when they found out the happy news, Spencer added "It was a wonderful moment. I was delighted. We'd been trying, but I never expected it to happen as easily as it did. We're very lucky."

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Price: £31.59
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“For Gigi those annoying Dr Brown bottles. They’re so annoying to wash and there are so many parts but she will literally only use that bottle now so we’ve stuck with it the whole time. She was quite a sicky baby and when we started getting them they actually really helped although I never used them with Theodore.”

Read our full Dr Brown's Natural Flow Bottle review

"I loved the Tommee Tippee prep and go machine for when I stopped breastfeeding."

Read our full Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep Machine review

Read our full Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep Day&Night review

"The SnüzPod for me was a great bedside crib and I’ve just got Gigi one of those snooze cots. They look really nice and they’re actually really gorgeous as well.”

Read our full SnüzPod 3 Bedside Crib review

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