Robbie Williams Wants His Second Child To Be A Baby Boy!

Robbie Williams

by Emmeline Saunders |
Updated on

Robbie Williams wants his second child by wife Ayda Field to be a little boy so that daughter Theodora Rose can have a baby brother.

The singer told The Sun this week that he is hoping for a bundle of joy of the blue variety because he would feel more at home with a little boy.

'We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl but we’re going to find out,' he said.

'If we have a girl, it’ll be totally cool but I would quite like a little boy. Last time I said that as long as it was healthy, I didn’t mind. Then we found out we were having a girl and it was a really strange emotion. I was like, "What am I going to do with a girl?"'

Robbie announced on Monday evening that he was going to become a dad for the second time after daughter Teddy was born 20 months ago.

The Millennium singer said he also wants his little family to find out the sex of their new arrival in quite an unusual way.

'With Teddy, the doctor put the sex into an envelope. We went to dinner and the plan was to open it at the end of dinner... but she forgot the envelope.

'I think we’re going to do the same thing – but remember the envelope this time. I don’t think we can do it any other way.'

Ayda Field with baby Teddy in May 2013

Robbie, 40, and Ayda, 34, have made no secret of their desire to expand their family, with Robbie telling Alan Carr in March that he and his wife of three years were busy 'practising' for a new baby.

'My little girl is wonderful. Little Teddy. We are going to do more of them because they are amazing,' he added.

Are you expecting your second child? How are you feeling about pregnancy this time round?

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