Laura Hamilton: My life as a mum

Laura Hamilton

by Sarah Drew Jones |
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A Place in the Sun presenter Laura is mum to one-year-old son Rocco, and is expecting her second child with husband Alex in early May. Here, she opens up about family life and the excitement of three becoming four.

My first pregnancy was pretty straightforward but the labour was a different story as unfortunately Rocco was undiagnosed breech. I filmed abroad with A Place in the Sun until I was about 36 weeks and did an amazing hypnobirthing course with Teresa Pegrum. Unfortunately, because of Rocco lying in a breech position I needed an emergency C-section.

Pregnancy took a little while to adjust to. For me it was hard to deal with my body changing and having no control over it. Usually when I put on a few pounds I can lose them but being pregnant you have to let go and embrace it.

“I’ve been aware of this baby moving a lot more”

My second pregnancy has been different to my first. I think I’ve been aware of this baby moving a lot more. I haven’t had as much time to think about it because I’ve been looking after Rocco too. My boobs are as big as they were first time around and I couldn’t get by without Cake Lingerie! The one thing I hate is the cramp I get in my right calf which sometimes wakes me in the night. Apparently it’s inexplicable!

I’ve had no food cravings with either pregnancy. I take Pregnacare vitamins and would say that I eat reasonably well when I’m pregnant. However, if I want chocolate I have it! This time I seem to have put on less weight but I think that is because I am running around after a 14-month-old and working too!

“I’ve skied since I was nine and I love it so it was an amazing way to help get back in shape.”

Skiing helped me get my body back after Rocco was born! I was asked to take part in the winter sports show The Jump so when Rocco was four weeks old we went to Austria and I was on the slopes getting back into exercising. I’ve skied since I was nine and I love it so it was an amazing way to help get back in shape. Who knows what I will do this time around but I’m determined to get my figure back.

My first few weeks as a mum were a whirlwind because of taking part in The Jump but Rocco got into a routine pretty quickly. Dealing with broken sleep is tough, that’s for sure! Alex and I laughed the other day that the first night we were at home with Rocco we had no idea what we were doing. You learn pretty quickly though and I’m sure second time round we will be a lot more relaxed.

“I play him French television as I’m keen for him to speak another language”

Rocco is a delightful child and is looking forward to becoming a big brother. He points at my tummy and says ‘baby’ which is so sweet but I don’t think he actually understands. He is such a loving child, always asking for kisses and cuddles: I think that’s because Alex kisses him so much. I play him French television as I’m keen for him to speak another language and he can say ‘bonjour’ which is good. He speaks quite a lot and his most recent word is ‘bogies’ which Alex taught him! He knows it makes me laugh so he keeps saying it...

Life as a working mum is seriously tough at times. When you are freelance, like I am, childcare can be tricky. I couldn’t do what I do without the support of my family and we’ve actually managed to find an amazing ‘ad hoc’ nanny. When you have a child you can’t be as spontaneous and leaving the house can take time. I find being as organised as possible and preparing things the night before really helps.

My favourite things about being a mum? I love it that each day Rocco learns something new and it brings so much joy to Alex and me. Being a parent is the biggest challenge anyone will ever face but it’s so much fun.

I’m looking forward to Mother’s Day but I’m not sure how we’ll celebrate it this year. Maybe I should ask Alex?!

Laura is an ambassador for children’s charity Dreams Come True’s fundraising campaign Dream Tea, which asks people to gather together friends, family, colleagues or classmates for tea, chat and cake from 15th to 21st June:

Laura Hamilton

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