Baby Willow may only be two months old but former Pussycat Doll and Got to Dance judge Kimberly is already training for a triathlon
I’m completely blown away by how much I love my daughter. Although the first few weeks were absolutely exhausting, I have a wonderful support system in my husband, my family and my friends, so I’m very lucky and have lots of help. I’m getting used to the night-time feedings and the constant tiredness! Nothing can prepare you for motherhood.
Willow is amazing. She’s very smiley and happy and getting more gorgeous by the day! I’m so excited for the coming months and seeing her personality develop.
“I’m so excited for the coming months and seeing her personality develop”
I was very fortunate to have a relatively easy pregnancy. I was able to keep exercising, didn’t suffer from too much morning sickness, and just had indigestion towards the end. It was more uncomfortable in the last couple of months, especially as Willow was so lively. She was up to 25 movements an hour at one point; a dancer in the making, practising her high kicks! Indigestion tablets, recommended by my doctor, and hot baths became my best friends!
My attitude was ‘I’m pregnant, not ill!’ I still danced regularly (I checked with my doctor first) and even performed on Got to Dance at five months. My fantastic personal trainer, Jane Wake, helped maintain my fitness without exhausting me. I combined her sessions with yoga classes, plenty of stretching, and long walks with my dog Cupid.
I didn’t have any odd cravings. I ate a healthy and balanced diet, just like I always have, and made sure I was doing what’s best for my baby. Thankfully I didn’t crave anything too weird but I did have an aversion to meat so I found protein from other sources like beans and lentils. I also became a little obsessed with Cheerios and chia seeds drizzled with honey.
I tried not to worry too much about gaining weight. My first priority was my health. I also loved watching my girl grow over the nine months. Now Willow is here, I’m extremely motivated to get my old physique back - I’ve definitely missed it.
“When Willow was first born I just wanted to spend all my time bonding with her”
I started working out again after six weeks. When Willow was first born I just wanted to spend all my time bonding with her. I had to be careful not to overdo anything, as my stomach muscles needed time to repair from the Caesarian section, so I started out by stretching and gently massaging my tummy to help prevent stiffness. But after about six weeks, I was ready to hit the gym and achieve my one of my goals for 2015 - get my pre-pregnancy body back! I wanted to make #mygoal or New Year’s resolution public on Twitter because it’s a brilliant motivational tool.
I’m now in training for a triathlon in May. I’ll be taking part in the ITU World Triathlon in London. It’s tough but I think how great it will be to achieve something like this, no matter how long it takes me to get to the finish line! Mums, don’t be frightened to dream big!
I would love to have more children with my husband Max, who’s an amazing father. I want Willow to have siblings one day but for now I’m just getting to know her. I can’t even begin to think about what surprises life has in store.
Check out some of Kimberly’s photos of Willow from her Instagram account:

Kimberly shares photos of Willow on her Instagram feed.
“Willow Jane in a @costumesbywendy original! Wearing couture at 2 weeks of age. #mummypost #Supermodelwife #SupermodelBaby #baby #love #fashion”

Kimberly shares photos of Willow on her Instagram feed.
“Loving my Willow snuggles! #mummypost #love #baby #priceless”

Kimberly shares photos of Willow on her Instagram feed.
“Cuteness overload this morning! So happy to have the day with my family! I'm so lucky! #family #love #fitfam #babygirl #cuteness”

Kimberly shares photos of Willow on her Instagram feed.
“Willow is PASSED OUT!! catchin flys! #baby #mummypost #toofunny #love”
•Sports nutrition brand MaxiNutrition is supporting Kimberly to be at her best in 2015 #MyGoal. Set your goal at or on Twitter via @MaxiNutrition
Kimberly shares her New Year’s resolution on Twitter: