Wild Garlic Frittata Recipe

Wild garlic frittata

by motherandbaby |
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Preparation Time

30 minutes





Finger Food

You can serve pieces of the frittata to a baby from six months or give him chopped bits of plain omelette.


  • 250g spinach leaves, washed and sliced into ribbons

  • 6 eggs

  • 100g young wild garlic, washed and sliced into ribbons (use spring onions, if you prefer)

  • 75g Parmesan cheese, freshly grated

  • 2 slices of day-old bread, crusts removed, soaked in 2–3 tbsp milk, squeezed dry and crumbled into wet breadcrumbs

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

‘Late March to mid May, wild garlic is at its best. The flavour is like regular garlic and spring onion,’ says chef and mum-of-three Claire Thomson.

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. You’ll need an ovenproof non-stick frying pan that will fit in the oven.

2. Blanch the spinach in a pan of boiling water until just wilted. Drain, then squeeze out any excess water.

3. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the wild garlic (or spring onions), spinach, Parmesan, soaked bread, salt and pepper, then combine.

4. Heat the ovenproof frying pan over a high heat then add the vegetable oil.

5. Add the egg mix to the pan and mix for 10 seconds with a wooden spoon, then let it settle. Allow the frittata to take on a nice colour underneath.

6. Place the pan in the oven and cook for 10–15 minutes, or until the egg is set and the frittata is ready.

7. Leave to cool in the pan for around 10 minutes, then turn out on to a plate. Best served warm.

Pregnant? Eggs are a good source of protein, while spinach is packed with iron to boost your energy levels.

Recipe adapted from The 5 0’Clock Apron by Claire Thomson (£16.59, Ebury Press). Photography by Mike Lusmore.

Recipe adapted from The 5 0'Clock Apron by Claire Thomson (£16.59, Ebury Press). Photography by Mike Lusmore.

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