Tried&Tested: Asda Little Angels Tray Meals

by Stephanie Spencer |
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Next up in our Tried&Tested hot seat, we asked parents to give their opinions on ASDA Little Angels range of tray meals. Designed for 10 Months+, the meals are made with only organic ingredients, and are one of your little ones' 5 a day per pack. They are also perfectly textured with bigger bites to help little ones learn to chew, and now include some new and exciting flavours!

The range also won Bronze for Best Baby Food Range/Product at the Mother&Baby 2021 awards.

Find out what our mum testers thought here...

What do you like most about the ASDA Little Angels meals and why?

Annique Jeffrey: "What I like the most about this product are the adventurous and imaginative flavours that they have gone for, some of which I’d never heard of or seen other brands do. The ones we liked, in particular, are the ‘Cambodian Style Fish Curry’ and ‘Tex Mex Veg with Quinoa’ which my husband and I both tried and thought it was quite tasty!"

Charlotte Deakin: "These meals are so convenient as they only take 30 seconds in the microwave to cook, no prep needed! They are so easy to use when you haven’t had time to cook a meal, and I think they would be really useful to take if we were going out somewhere to eat. It’s reassuring to know that the ingredients are organic and a good alternative to home-cooked food."

Elise Laker: "It's easy to store, easy to transport and easy to prepare. These meals don't need to go in the fridge and can be quickly heated in either the microwave or in hot water - essential when you've got a hungry little one! I liked that the product essentially came in it's own bowl, so I fed my son straight out of the dish, this would be great for when on the go."

What was your first impression when you received the product?

Diane Connaughton: "It looked healthy and nutritious. The instruction and ingredients were easy to read on the packaging. Nice presentation on packaging, very easy to store, heat and dish up. There is a really good amount in each portion, the texture was smooth and smelled appealing."

Samantha Collier: "First impressions of the product were great, it comes in a handy bowl with just a cardboard sleeve to slide off and very simple heating instructions. The portion size is for 1 meal which means you can have it straight from the packet or use your own bowl. The bright colours and the picture of the meals on the front look appealing and looking at the organic ingredients on the back you're confident that it’s a healthy ready-made option for baby."

Georgia Rogers: "I liked the container/packaging being a bowl and one that goes straight into the microwave without having to use crockery or a microwaveable dish to heat it. I personally think if you have to decant a ready meal into another container to cook it then it defeats the object of being convenient! It was great as it saved washing up and literally took me 30 seconds to prepare my daughter’s meal (ideal after a long day at work when I finished late and needed to quickly feed her as she was getting hangry!)"

Did your little one enjoy the taste of the meals?

Sarah Rich: "My daughter Myla seemed to really enjoy the taste of the products, eating all of both trays - she was quite upset when they were finished!"

Janine Simpson: Yes she loved both meals. It was the first time we had given her salmon and she devoured it.

Samantha Buntain: "My little girl really enjoyed the taste of these as she ate the whole lot bar one spoonful."

Do you believe these meals are value for money?

Annique Jeffrey: "Yes I believe that the product is very good value for money and I have already purchased more!"

Charlotte Deakin: "I think the tray meals are great value for money, as they provide a good nutritious meal without any need for prepping. They are so convenient and definitely worth the money when you need a quick meal."

Diane Connaughton: "Yes. Will be adding them to our shopping list, definitely will purchase again."

Would you buy Little Angels food products again?

Samantha Collier: "Yes, absolutely - my little one has tried a number of the Asda food products and really likes them. I think the products are very similar to the branded names and at sometimes half the price, this is great for mums who like to give their baby the best but save some money."

Gabriella Challis: "I always buy these tray meals to have in the fridge ready for when I may need one. Great value for money, my little boy has enjoyed every one he has ever eaten and they are easy to put in to the changing bag if he goes off to nanny’s and has his dinner there."

Charlotte Deakin: "I would definitely buy the Little Angels tray meals again to keep in the cupboard for those times when I haven’t had time to prep a meal, and to take if we are going out anywhere. I like that there is a good range of meals to try so I can see which Harriet likes the best."

Would you recommend the tray meals to a friend?

Elise Laker: "I'd be happy to recommend these Asda meals to a friend, particularly for the quality, convenience and taste factor. I think sometimes Asda doesn’t stand up as well against the other brands on the market but I would be more than willing to mention to friends having now tried them."

Janine Simpson: "Yes, I would. I have asked my mum to buy some to have in the house. They have a long expiry date and I have since went into Asda to see what other flavours are available."

Georgia Rogers: "Yes, definitely. I have a couple of friends who had babies around the same time so have already mentioned the meals in conversation as we often catch up about our babies and their milestones."

For the Little Angels range of tray meals visit ASDA's website here.

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