Ashley James: What I’m loving from Asda’s weaning range

Ashley James

by Stephanie Spencer |
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Ashley James, DJ and presenter, is also most importantly mum to Alfie and one of our favourite mumfluencers for her open and honest Instagram account about all things motherhood. Alfie is now one and progressing in his weaning journey, so we caught up with Ashley to find out how they're getting on and get her product recommendations from Asda's Little Angels toddler food range, plus the weaning accessories she can't live without...

The Little Angels food range includes toddler meals, snacks for on the go, and tasty fruit pouches. The products are clearly marked by age, so that you'll know they're just right for your little one's tummy, whether they're just starting weaning at 6 months, or being adventurous and firing up those taste buds with yummy toddler meals.

"Alfie's favourite is the sweet potato cottage pie," says Ashley. In fact Alfie loves it so much they'd completely run out of them! "I love knowing that the meals are good for him, but I also love that they're so quick and easy to make!"

The whole range is organic, contains at least one of your toddler's 5-a-day and, priced between 60p to £1, they're easy on the bank of mum and dad too!

"I didn't realise how important weaning accessories were, like lots of things that you don't appreciate until you become a mum," admits Ashley. "Deciding which weaning brand or accessory works best for you is such a personal choice but we love the munchkin spoons and suction bowl."

The munchkin spoons go white if food is too hot - plus Alfie loves holding them, more than any other spoon!

The suction bowls help to reduce mess (although when food and toddlers are involved it's always going to get messy) and make it easier for your little one to develop that all important bowl, to spoon, to mouth coordination.

Find out more about Asda's range of weaning products.

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