Section: Sleep

The hotter weather can make the days more fun (hello beach trips and al fresco dining!), but the nights less so. Because of the lighter evenings and the temperature rise, it can mean your tot doesn’t sleep as well – leaving you both cranky. But there are ways you can help your tot get a good – and safe – night’s kip…
How to help your baby sleep when it's hot

1) Use summer bedding
Swap your baby’s sleeping bag for a lightweight sheet to help him stay cool at night. ‘Keep nightwear and bedding light and use a natural and breathable fabric as it will help your baby not to get too hot,’ says Annie Simpson from Infant Sleep Consultant. [Corbis]

2) Create a breeze
Keeping the windows open throughout your home will create a nice cool breeze that will help keep your little one cool. If you leave in a ground floor flat or you’re worried about your tot climbing out of the window, then use a fan to keep the temperature down. Keep it on a high shelf or windowsill with the cable out of your child’s reach and make sure it’s not directly pointing at him, so he doesn’t get too cold. [Alamy]

3) Invest in blackout blinds
The lighter evenings may make it harder to settle your little one, so putting up some blackout blinds will help your tot remember it’s time to sleep. Just be sure to invest in cordless blinds. [Corbis]
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4) Try a cool bath
On really hot days, include a cool bath into your child’s bedtime routine. ‘A cool bath is a lovely idea at the end of the day, it is the beginning of the “wind down” process and signals to your little one that it is nearly time for bed,’ Annie explains. Relaxing your tot before they go to sleep will also regulate his body temperature so he’s cooler. [Corbis]

5) Monitor the temperature
Use a thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature of the room. ‘An ideal temperature is between 18-22 degrees,’ says Annie. ‘But be sensible about it, if you child feels chilly, add a layer and if he feels clammy, remove one.’ [Corbis]

6) Shut the curtains during the day
But keep the windows open, if possible. This will help keep the temperature lower for when your child goes to bed. [Corbis]

7) Stick to their usual bed time
As tempting as it is to let your child stay up a little later when the evenings are later, keep his bed time the same. ‘Remember he’s looking to you for guidance with setting a gentle but consistent bedtime,’ says Annie. [Corbis]

8) If all else fails…
Have a family camp out on the lounge floor on unbearable nights. The lower level of your house will be cooler than the higher one as heat rises. [Corbis]