The Office for National Statistics has released their 2017 official baby names report. Oliver and Olivia have retained their title as the most popular names for boys and girls.
But what about the names that are going out of fashion or are in danger of extinction?
If you are hoping to avoid an unfashionable name or you want to pick something that is becoming less popular, we give you the list of the downward trending names from 2007 to 2017...
Downward trending names 2017

Alfie comes from the Old English Alfred, a compounding of the elements ælf (elf) and ræd (counsel). Elves were considered to be supernatural beings having special powers of seeing into the future; thus the name Alfie took on the meaning "wise counsel."

Borrowed from the Scottish, Callum is a Gaelic form of the Latin 'Columba' meaning dove.

The name Chloe means blooming and it was often used as a Summer name for the Greek goddess of ferility and agriculture, Demeter.

Daniel is derived from the Hebrew dāni’ēl, meaning 'God is my judge'. The name was first used in the Bible, for the Hebrew prophet whose faith kept him from harm in a den of hungry lions.

Grace means eloquence, beauty, kindness, mercy and favour. It is derived from the Latin 'gratia' (favour, thanks).

Jack is an English name meaning 'God is gracious'. During the Middle Ages, Jack was so common that it was used as a general term for man or boy.

Jessica (originally Iessica, Jesica, Jesika, Jessicah, Jessika, or Jessikah) originally meant 'foresight' or the ability to see into the future in Hebrew. The oldest written record of the name Jessica with its current spelling is found as the name of the Shakespearean character from the play The Merchant of Venice.

Joshua is derived from the Hebrew Yehoshua meaning 'Jehovah is help, God is salvation'. The name appeared in the Bible when Moses’ successor led the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

The name Katie originated as a pet form of the name Katherine or Kathleen. The name was associated with the Greek ‘katharos’' which means pure.

Lewis, derived from the Old French Loeis, which is from the Old High German Hluodowig (famous in war), a compound name composed from the elements hluod (famous) and wīg (war, strife).

Liam means strong-willed warrior and protector. It's a shorter form of the Irish name Uilliam, which originated from the Frankish Willahelm, meaning "helmet of will".

Lucy is an English and French feminine name given derived from the Latin masculine name Lucius which means 'as of light' (born at dawn or daylight, maybe also shiny, or of light complexion).

The Greek the meaning of the name Luke is 'light giving'. Luke was the author of the Acts of the Apostles and of the third Gospel in the New Testament, the patron saint of doctors and artists, and was known as 'the beloved physician'.

Megan is from the Anglo-Saxon for "strong, capable" "pearl". It is also a shorted version of the Welsh Margaret.

The name Ruby is taken from the name for the gemstone ruby. The name of the gemstone comes from the Latin ruber, meaning red. The ruby is the birthstone for the month of July.

Ryan is an English name of Irish origin. It comes from the Irish surname Ryan. Some suggest that Ryan means "little king" or "illustrious",

Samuel is a male name and a surname of Hebrew origin meaning either "name of God" or "God has heard". Samuel was the last of the ruling judges in the Old Testament. He anointed Saul to be the first King of Israel and later anointed David.

Sophie is a borrowing from the Greek, Sophia which means wisdom or skill.

Thomas is recorded in the Greek New Testament as the name of Thomas the Apostle, who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. It is derived from the Aramaic personal name meaning twin.

Tyler originated as a surname derived from the Old French tieuleor, tieulier (tiler/tile maker) and the Middle English tyler or tylere (a brick, a tile). The name originated as an occupational name for a tile, a brick maker or layer.
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