22 German girls names for your maedchen

German girls names

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

Want to embrace your German roots but not sure where to start? These 22 German girls names are beautiful and traditional. Put all the baby name arguments to rest with these amazing German names...

  1. Ada- A beautiful name that fits perfectly into the trend towards Isla and Mila, Ada means noble. It's a popular character name in many films and books.

  2. Gretchen- You may only be able to think of Mean Girls 'stop trying to make fetch happen!' but Gretchen is actually a German baby girl name that means pearl.

  3. Adela- Very similar to the legendary singer Adele, Adela is the German variation.

  4. Leni- An adorable variation on Lena, Leni is a cute gender neutral name. Supermodel Heidi Klum chose it for her daughter, so if it's good enough for Heidi it's good enough for us!

  5. Alviria- The German variation on Elvira, which means fair, Alviria is a beautifully exotic choice with great nickname potential of either Ally, Viria or Ria.

  6. Maxi- One of the cutest gender-neutral names out there, Maxi is diminutive of Maximilian. It is rising in popularity of a baby girl name, as an adorable yet cool choice.

  7. Clarissa- This beautiful name means bright, and is renowned as a character name in novels by Charles Dickens and Virgina Woolf. We love the short potential of Clara.

  8. Elsa- Your daughter will be obsessed with her name once she realises it is the same as the Disney Princess in Frozen (but don't let that famous song put you off!). Not only that, it also has biblical ties, meaning pledged to God.

  9. Evi- The German variation on Eve, which means life, Evi is an adorable religious name that fits with the beautiful trend towards Isla and Mila.

  10. Gratia- A German version of Grace, which is an English virtue name, Gratia is a beautiful option for parents who want biblical meaning to their baby name.

  11. Lenore- The modern version of Lenora, Lenore rose in popularity as the character name of Cameron Diaz in The Green Hornet. It has great nickname potential of Nori, the same as Kim Kardashian's daughter!

  12. Haydn- We are obsessed with this cool, modern name. Similar to the amazing actor Hayden Panettiere, this stylish name is linked to composer Joseph Haydn.

  13. Millie- This adorable variation on Millicent has been a classic German baby girl name for decades. It's extremely popular yet continues to remain stylish.

  14. Eda- Meaning wealthy and happy, Eda is a unique choice for parents who want something a little different. One syllable names are also notoriously stylish.

  15. Maude- This old-fashioned name is under a style revival at the moment, thanks to producer Judd Apatow naming his actor daughter Maude. Meaning battle-mighty, your baby girl is bound to be strong with this name.

  16. Karla- A German variation on Carla, we love this stylish spelling in the same vein as the Kardashians K trend.

  17. Heidi- A classic German baby girl name, Heidi means of noble birth. Popular thanks to the legend that is Heidi Klum, this name never goes out of style.

  18. Ivara- This beautiful variation on Ivana is an elegant choice that is easy to pronounce yet sounds exotic. We love how stylish this name is.

  19. Juliane- The German version of Juliana, Juliane is a lovely option for parents heading down the Julie route. It also has an adorable meaning of youthful.

  20. Katja- We are obsessed with this beautiful twist on Kate. A stylish version of a traditional name, we love how cool this name is!

  21. Tilly- Possibly one of the cutest names on the list, Tilly is diminutive of Matilda. Meaning battle-mighty, this adorable name also has a strong feel to it.

  22. Winola- This unique name has a touching meaning of charming friend. Go with this is you want something unusual yet gorgeous.

Don’t worry if your due date is fast approaching and you still haven’t found a name that feels like the one. Head to our baby name generatorwhere you’ll find thousands of names to fall in love with, from more traditional sounding names, to unique baby names from all around the world including German boy names.

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